Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fuel Saving Tips

The news is everywhere: gas prices are on the rise and don’t show any signs of slowing. What are some things that the average person can do to improve their MPGs? Here is a handy guide to some options for the average consumer:

1.       Speed Limit: Follow it, that 5-7 mph rule that some people add to the posted speed limit may be costing you some serious change. Plus, it may save you from a costly ticket.

2.       Just Relax: Aggressive acceleration forces your engine to work harder, burning more fuel. Keeping a gradual acceleration can improve your consumption, and may help you relax as well.

3.       Check your tires! Tires with less air in them increase the amount of rolling resistance (the amount of effort it takes to move). So by maintaining the correct PSI in each tire, your car doesn’t need to work as hard!

4.       Coast. Although people always love the joy of accelerating downhill, letting off the gas on downward slopes will let gravity power your vehicle, and not gas.

5.       Cruise Control: By leveling out any unnoticed acceleration or over throttling, turning on cruise control can help you take the inconsistency out of your driving style. (We recommend against using cruise control in town.)

6.       Nitrogen. Because the normal air your tires are filled with is the same air you breathe, it contains oxygen, nitrogen, and a variety of other gases. While these may support life, they are not as good at supporting consistent tire pressure. By switching to pure nitrogen, less gases can escape through the natural pores in your tire rubber, causing them to stay at optimum PSI for 4-5 times longer, giving you greater fuel economy as well as saving time constantly checking your tire pressure. (We sell nitrogen conversions for $69.99 per car.

7.       Maintenance. The longer you go without changing your oil and air filter, the less and less efficient your vehicle becomes, increasing how much fuel you will use and decreasing the amount of power your car will make. After all, who wants a car with no power and poor fuel economy?  Adhering to your manufacturer prescribed maintenance schedule will be sure to save you at the pump.

We hope these tips help you in surviving the summer fuel prices. If you try all these tips and are still having difficulty budgeting for fuel, we would be happy to show you our full range of economical new and pre-owned alternatives, including hybrid, diesel, flex-fuel, and high efficiency vehicles.

For more information, you can email Kris.Nielsen@mb-kc.com. Visit us on the web at www.mb-kc.com ! Find us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/MercedesBenzofKansasCity or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mercedeskc 

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